Yeah, the benefits of skateboarding are endless. A recent study of Pullias Center for Higher Education states that skating develops mental health, cultivates community, and encourages diversity and flexibility.
If you want to grab all these benefits, you just need to get out of your house, stand on a skateboard with bravery and start rolling. Here, I discussed 16 amazing benefits (physical, mental, and social) that may inspire you a lot.
1. An Inexpensive Sport
The best part of this sport is that it is budget-friendly. You can start off skating with a reasonable amount of money. A beginner skateboard may cost you up to 30-40 dollars.
With that, you must add 20-30 dollars up extra for the protective gear. Just compare with the price of a roller skate or scooter. Surely, you are going to be really happy about buying one for you!
2. Social Benefits
While you skate at a park or street, many of your neighbors or anonymous may join you. Say hello to them and make new friends. Overall, the skaters can develop new relations: A chance of being more social and friendly in the community.
3. Overall Fitness/Full Body Workout
Are you looking for a full-body workout?
Well, start skating seriously. In skateboarding, you need to move and adjust your legs, hands, knees, and head on a regular basis. That’s where skating comes in handy as an overall workout for your health.