With the Summer well underway, TeamUnify were presented with the opportunity to attend the Scottish National Open Championships on the 30th of June and 1st of July. The competition took place at Tollcross International Swimming Centre which was home to the Commonwealth Games in 2014. Clubs across Scotland and England came to compete over 4 days of competition.
The TeamUnify representative for Scotland, Alex Marks, attended on behalf of TeamUnify and was presented with the opportunity of interacting and helping swim clubs across Scotland and England. Alex brought plenty of TeamUnify merchandise with him and returned home with an empty suitcase suggesting this was gratefully received by many clubs.
Both days at the meet were extremely busy with prospective swim clubs taking the opportunity to learn more about how TeamUnify's technology can help them manage and run their swimming club and save them time in the process. Along with the prospective clubs, we also had plenty of our favorite current TeamUnify customers approach us to learn how to get the most out of the system. These meetings made the two days very productive and memorable.
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Many of the discussions with prospective customers were about some of TeamUnify's key features such as electronic processing of payments, coaching tools, organising online meet entries, and member communication. With TeamUnify's technology offering so many solutions, our prospective customers were excited that it all comes in one package. One of TeamUnify's main purposes is to help swimming club administrators and volunteers cut down on their time spent on mundane tasks, so it was great to be able to provide insight about our technology and help these clubs.
The TeamUnify team is very grateful for the opportunities that Swim Scotland have presented to attend their competitions and we look forward to being invited to future meets where we can help more clubs like you.